Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Black Hen with Green Eggs?

Pictured here is one of our best laying hens. Her coloring, sheen and comb lead me to believe she's an Australorp. This is unusual because Australorps are reported to lay brown eggs.

Unknown green egg layer
Looking at the stock photo below of an Australorp, it appears these could be two pictures of the same breed with one exception; my hen lays green eggs.

I began searching through the internet for all green egg laying breads. My conclusion is that there are no other green egg layers that fit her description. Upon further investigation I've learned that the Australorp began in England as a bread of Black Orpington which came to Australia and were crossed with Rhode Island Red, Minorca, White Leghorns and Langshan. Some even report crossing with Plymouth Rock. None of these however, lay green eggs or would explain why ours does.

She has, however, proven to be very hearty and prolific layer and would be an excellent addition to any flock.

So, what kind of chicken is ours? I'm not sure but I'm guessing it's an Australorp which has been cross-bread with some green egg laying variety.

Who knows what we have?
One might say, "Only the Shadow knows! Heh heh heh heh...". 

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